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Links to Friends and Interesting Resources for Celtic Music and Folk Music

Here are some links to enhance your enjoyment of music and musicians we know. Would you like to see your link on this page? If you would like to trade reciprocal links with us, just let us know by clicking on the Contact link on this page. Music websites only of course. Please add a link to us on your own links page, and then let us know where that page is. We would love to hear from you! -- Tom and Mary Kay

Pierre Ogea Bagpiper
Kurt Gallagher Songs for Children
Tom and Mary Kay on flickr
Noteworthy Composer Scriptorium
Mary Kay's song Blue Little Girl on the Scriptorium
European Folk Music
Learn to play Rhythm Guitar
Learn to play Bouzouki
Learn to play Accordion
Favorite Irish Session Tunes
Nevada Society of Scottish Clans

Download music by Tom and Mary Kay

Our Spotify Site Cowboy Boots and Golden Slippers CD Old Time Music Ramblin Irishman CD Musical Dreams CD In the Moon of Wintertime CD Musical Dreams Book and CD Ramblin Irishman Book and CD 23 Songs and Tunes Sheet Music Plus