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Waltz for the Johnsons
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Mary Kay wrote this pretty little tune for the Johnson family of Carson City. The tune has an old timey waltzy feel for a lovely family. The Johnsons are seven wonderful people we love and who enjoy our music when we play at the Borders Cafe. At their home, you find a delightful variety of farm animals, from goats and chickens to whatever Sonia Johnson brings into their fold. So, this video about a girl going on an adventure with her horse, well it's just perfect for the tune and the family.
Musicians, play along. For the sheet music, you can view and download the sheet music for Waltz for the Johnsons. (You need Adobe Acrobat to view the sheet music.)
The video was uploaded on August 8, 2024. The video lasts for 2 minutes and 37 seconds.
Charissa drew us while Robin danced a jig at the Carson Rendezvous. We cherish this gift of artwork, our friends and all the fun memories!